Tuesday 18 May 2010


Wowie. I've never ever actually considered getting a blog before, but as I sit here on a balmy May afternoon while supposed to be studying biology I decided that a blog would be a welcome addition to the other websites that I've found myself rather addicted to.

To the right you can see the beautiful Alexis Bledel and Jared Padalecki. Or, as they're pictured here; Rory Gilmore and Dean Forrester. Gilmore Girls. What a show.

Anyway. I've stolen this pic and now will use it for my own purposes. It's now a picture of my OC Lauren Murray with none other than Sam Winchester himself. Bada-bing bada-boom. Result.

Lauren features in a fanfiction called "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You" which is named after the fantastic Led Zeppelin song... Now I shamelessly plug: http://wicked-freakin-witch.blogspot.com/

So welcome to myself to the blogging world! (That sentence made no sense.)


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