Friday, 31 December 2010
New Year's Resolutions
2. Re-make the Irish Jnr waterpolo squad
3. Lose half a stone.
4. Finally read the whole of Dracula
5. Revise for my exams more thoroughly
6. Go back to horse riding
7. Stay in touch with friends who have left school or who are leaving school
Happy 2011 x
Monday, 31 May 2010
Scarecrow Bits and Bobs
Eventually we settled on what we thought the characters would have done: "Emmy stays with Dean and Lauren goes with Sam." and this lead to another problem. Who was going to write the chapter? Since Emmy belonged to Robyn and Lauren to I it was going to be difficult for someone to write the whole thing, in fear of messing up the "alone moments". Thus we settled on writing the bits that had our character in them. Now the reason I'm posting this is 'cause Junie asked for some Sam and Lauren moments and these were the best ones I could think of so here we go:
Lauren was still half asleep when she had heard Sam on the phone to Dean. Judging from the topic of conversation he and Emmy had found whatever it was that had taken the couples. Lauren sighed, keeping her eyes closed. She wanted to see Emmy again, she missed her friend. She had intended to call her before now but she had left her phone in the backseat of the Impala all that time ago. Her eyes flicked open, she stirred and stretched her arms out, a night sleeping on the floor had made her stiff. Sam noticed that she was awake.
“You okay?” He asked, turning his head to look at her.
“Yeah, the floor is real comfy.” She yawned. Sam smiled apologetically.
“Sorry.” He said apologetically. She shrugged in response.
“S’not your fault.” She crawled on her hands and knees along the dirty floor until she reached his large frame and snuggled herself in beside him, glad for the warmth he provided. Sam smiled at the gesture and draped an arm around her miniature shoulders. She glared across the room to Meg’s sleeping form.
“You really trust that girl?” She asked, looking up into Sam’s honest eyes. He shrugged.
“She’s in the same situation that we’re in.”
Lauren sighed.
“Well congratulations on finding the biggest lesbian in the continental U.S. You see her hair?” Lauren joked her voice indicating she didn’t mean real harm, Sam cracked a smile at Meg’s expense.
“You don’t like her.” He concluded.
“How can I?” Lauren looked up at Sam’s face again and grinned, she leaned in closer to him. “I think she has a thing for me.” She whispered into Sam’s ear. He smiled again and punched her lightly on the arm. They fell into a comfortable silence.
“It’s nice to have some time without Mr. Asshole getting on everyone’s nerves.” Lauren said eventually.
“Yeah,” Sam agreed, “like the old days, huh?”
“Except in the old days we weren’t holed up at some dingy old bus station.” Lauren pointed out. Sam smiled and nodded. From the corner of her eye Lauren saw Meg stir. She was on her feet in an instant and walking toward the two.
“Who was on the phone?” She asked. Lauren felt a small wave of shock emanate from her. Meg had been listening the whole time? Although, if she had heard Lauren’s comments, she didn’t seem to act any differently.
“My brother.” Sam answered, now slightly warily, he must have come to the Sam conclusion Lauren had.
“What did he say?” Meg asked, rummaging in her rucksack.
“Goodbye.” Sam said simply. Lauren nestled her head on his shoulder. Meg looked between the two, her expression unchanging. Lauren gave her the smallest of smug smiles before closing her eyes and attempting to go back to sleep.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Darren Shan

Would you say no?
Sure as hell I wouldn't.
Just watched the movie adaptation of the Darren Shan saga. (Well the first... 3 books I think.) Man, it got me thinking. The books were so great when I read them all those years ago and they were what actually allowed me to meet my current co author Robyn.
We were in the library at the tiome and she was readiung the 7th book and it had this badass yellow hook thing on it and was reading the first one and it was like just writing on the cover. She was in the line in front of me and I turned around and asked her; "When do the covers get cool like that?" She must have thought I was a complete fool.
Aww well, tings progressed, we became friends and the rest, they say, is history.
ANYWAY... I've progressed through 5 of the books now and would love to finish the seires again but unfortunately I'm off on study leave and therefore can't get into the school library to rent it out.
Eugh the OC bug is kicking in again. Must. Supress. OC. Creating. Urges.

Gotta ove making Emmy ill... Okay now I feel bad. Oh well, enjoy!
Another sneeze rattled through the darkness. Past the rhythmic hum of the Impala, past the stereo’s quiet drone and past the gentle breathing of the car’s inhabitants. Sam Winchester clutched the steering wheel of his brother’s car and glanced into the backseat. A pair of large blue eyes, slightly red rimed from lack of sleep greeted his gaze.
“You still sick, Emmy?” he asked quietly, his voice slightly hoarse from disuse.
The brunette nodded at him, sniffing loudly a few times to complete the effect.
“We should have stopped for some medicine at that garage.” Sam continued, returning his eyes to the dark road.
“Don’t want to spoil Lauren’s fun. Did you know that cold germs can survive for up to three hours outside the nasal passage?” Emmy muttered, sounding slightly repulsed.
Sam chuckled lightly, “That and it’s pretty funny watching Dean run in the other direction when you come near him.”
“Yeah...” Emmy paused slightly, thinking about her next words. “Is the Dean Winchester afraid of catching man flu?”
Sam laughed again, louder this time. Emmy could see through the darkness of the car his large shoulders moving up and down convulsively. “I guess he is,” he said after his laughs had quietened.
Emmy again paused in thought. “And you’re not?”
It was Sam’s turn to pause; he risked a glance into the backseat again. Emmy’s eyes were gleaming mischievously, the corners of her mouth twisted up into a smile.
“Don’t you dare!” He hissed as loudly as he dared. In the seat next to him Dean groaned a little and shifted his shoulders into a more comfortable position. He had shifted to look into the backseat of the Impala at the wrong time. A loud rattling cough came from Emmy, shaking her entire petite frame. She covered her mouth with both her hands a fraction of a second too late and Sam instinctively knew Dean was going to wake up tomorrow with one hell of a cold.
A few moments were passed in silence before Emmy, using her infamous nonchalant voice, spoke; “We should have stopped for some medicine at that garage.”
Sam grumbled to himself. They didn’t need to stop for medicine, they needed to stop for earplugs... and horse tranquiliser. Dean Winchester with man flu. He’d take a demon over that any day.

To the right you can see the beautiful Alexis Bledel and Jared Padalecki. Or, as they're pictured here; Rory Gilmore and Dean Forrester. Gilmore Girls. What a show.
Anyway. I've stolen this pic and now will use it for my own purposes. It's now a picture of my OC Lauren Murray with none other than Sam Winchester himself. Bada-bing bada-boom. Result.
Lauren features in a fanfiction called "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You" which is named after the fantastic Led Zeppelin song... Now I shamelessly plug:
So welcome to myself to the blogging world! (That sentence made no sense.)xx